you being lead or shoved?
So many
times life seems to
be pushing us around.
our finances, relationships
and even our hobbies
seem to control our
lives and even our destiny.
Sometimes it seems impossible
to find the way that
is best for us, that
path through life that
leads us to peace, confidence
and security. The Bible
is the path. Jesus said
in John 10, "My sheep
know me, They hear my
voice and they follow
me". The 21st Psalm
says that he will "Lay
us down in green pastures"
- "Lead us beside the
still waters" and yes
"even through the valley
of the shadow of death".
No, life is not perfect,
but we have God "who
will never leave us
nor forsake us". Ask
Jesus to lead so you
can follow.

“Some trust in chariots
and some in horses,
but we trust in the
name of the Lord our
~Psalm 20:7 |

Steve Friskup and his
wife Robin live in Muleshoe,
Tx. He auctioneers many
horse sales across the
country. Steve also
pastors The Muleshoe
Cowboy Fellowship. Steve’s
passion for horses is
second only to being
able to share what Jesus
Christ has done in his
life and sharing the